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About Me

Laurie Wondra

Laurie Wondra, International Psychic Medium, Energy and Sound Healer, Metaphysical and Shamanic Practitioner, Author, Educator, Motivational Speaker, Podcaster and Corporate Executive Consultant.

Laurie’s earliest memories of her gifts are talking with Archangel Michael in school hallways in 2nd grade.  In 4th grade, she began to channel and write with the help of a lovely ‘green energy’ that later became known to her as Archangel Gabriel and the Collective Light. She’s seen loved ones that have crossed over for as long as she can remember. Today, she uses these gifts as a clear channel while working with people worldwide to help them connect with their loved ones, angels, and guides.   Her ability to tune into the varying frequencies of the universe allows her to share this information and insight about the past, present, and future.


Laurie offers private and group readings and energy healing.  She connects and communicates with universal energies, elementals, angels, and our loved ones about the past, present, and future.   Laurie becomes a conduit for transmitting light and frequency from the universe during a reading or energy work.  These energies assist your transformation to higher consciousness, releasing old patterns or old energy and igniting new energy within the physical, emotional, spiritual, and etheric fields.   During any work with Laurie, you will feel the calmness of the connection with self and soul.   Laurie is an acknowledged Master working with crystals and other energy-healing models of the universe. Each year, she works with thousands of people from all over the world.


Laurie has had the opportunity to learn and sit beside tribal elders in Peru, Argentina, Brazil, and North America. There, she expanded her passion for helping the earth and her people by using nature and the cosmos.  Laurie is a conduit between worlds and uses her gifts to bring healing and light to all. When Laurie works with a client or group, she first sees their aura or the energy field and grids around their bodies – physical, energetic, and etheric. When these bodies are out of alignment, our auras appear out of focus or cloudy to her. Laurie’s gift is to see, align, and then infuse these areas.   She attunes the grids, a client, or a group by shifting energy to new lights and codes delivered through the universe.  She shares her knowledge as an author and teacher and is a direct conduit for teachers, healers, and wisdom keepers from beyond.  Readings and Energy work


For over 30 years, Laurie has worked in large global corporations, leading successful information technology departments in the industries of engineering, manufacturing, finance, travel, and hospitality.  Several years ago, she left that full-time corporate role to follow her passion for teaching, traveling, and practicing spiritual work. Laurie is walking her mission and soul purpose. She might occasionally provide executive consulting to Corporations for Strategy, Organizational Change, Leadership, and large-scale Information Technology Programs. She understands the balance between the corporate world and the spiritual world and the use of the left/right brain.  Her ability to understand and balance life assists her in her corporate leadership roles and her ability to teach and coach in global corporate settings that raise an individual, team, or organization to higher levels of performance, success, and consciousness. She has had the honor to lead, coach, and teach in countries around the globe for almost 30 years. Laurie’s passion for people is to provide an open experience that supports personal growth and transformation.  She firmly believes that we are all one within the universe, and the energies of one affect the energies of all. The balance of these life energies is vital for spiritual and emotional health.


Laurie gathers and shares information about these vibrational energies and uses this information to balance, educate, and heal individuals. Your….. Life….. CORE. Your CORE is your Center of Resource Energy, the energy tank we fill up and then run with.


Laurie is recognized as a spiritual leader in the Minneapolis Community but also recognized in the business community. Read more about her in the Minnesota Business Magazine October 2016 issue.

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